- I, Stephany Huynh, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work
- Paul Huang
- *See right hand side of blog*
- For the independent component, I'm gathering a portfolio to submit to CSU's and UC's as a requirement for admissions.
- For my independent component, I had a variety of artwork that I have completed to add into my portfolio. The portfolio requirements allowed me to do drawings, paintings, photography, and basically any form of art that would qualify as a branch of graphic design or is related to graphic design.

- Because I am using this component as my portfolio for graphic design majors in different schools, I feel like it helped me in the sense of understanding the pressure of time management (to get it done on time), and understanding what the schools want (their requirements, similar to how customers would want the product to look a certain way), and just overall improve my artistic skills.