Thursday, January 31, 2013

Independent Component


  • I, Stephany Huynh, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work
  • Paul Huang
  • *See right hand side of blog* 
  • For the independent component, I'm gathering a portfolio to submit to CSU's and UC's as a requirement for admissions. 
  • For my independent component, I had a variety of artwork that I have completed to add into my portfolio. The portfolio requirements allowed me to do drawings, paintings, photography, and basically any form of art that would qualify as a branch of graphic design or is related to graphic design. 

Here are some pieces that I've completed and some that I am in the process of completing... 


  • Because I am using this component as my portfolio for graphic design majors in different schools, I feel like it helped me in the sense of understanding the pressure of time management (to get it done on time), and understanding what the schools want (their requirements, similar to how customers would want the product to look a certain way), and just overall improve my artistic skills.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Blog 12: Third Interview Questions

What are examples of commercials or ads that appeals to you and why?

Looking back at your teenage years, were there any ads that stood out to you and suck in your mind from then to now?

Comparing from now and when you were a teenager,what would you say is the most significant difference in what intrigues you in a graphic design when you see ads?

What do you think the differences are in personalities between teens these days and teens during your generation or time?

Because teens have such a wide range in variety of personalities and to be realistic, there are no designs that appeals to all teens, how would you approach designing an ad to persuade a good amount of them to buy a product?

What would you say is more important, the product or the way it it's advertised?

Why or why don't you think that it is harder to design ads for teens compared to adults?

Why or why don't you think ads are more effective today than they were in previous generations?

What makes a "good design" good regardless of what age you are?

What do you think is most important in a graphic design to persuade a teen to make a purchase

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Blog 11: Mentorship 10 Hours Check

  1. Where are you doing your mentorship?
    • I am currently doing my mentorship with Shane Crocker, a graphic designer. However, I am in the process of changing mentors because of the difficulty in scheduling. The mentor who I am waiting for a respond from is Lidia Korinko from Art2Ink Inc. This is the place that I completed my summer mentorship.
  2. Who is your contact
    • Current mentor is Shane Crocker. Possible new mentor is Linda Korinko.
  3. How many total hours have you done?
    • I have only done 11 hours with my current mentor. However, I will be able to complete more hours once I switch mentors.
  4. Summarize the 10 hours of service you did.
    • Within the 10 hours that I've completed, I have accomplished quite a lot of things. I mainly observed my mentor while he worked on some of his designs. He did not have any big projects going on at the time so he mainly focused on creating small designs just to show me the basics of designing. He also explained to me his past works, which were projects for airlines and other big companies, and he showed me step by step the process that he went through to create them.

Friday, January 4, 2013

First Answer

Paul has helped me come to my first answer which is understanding the audience.
Today during out lesson, he showed me different designs where the product was generally used by teens, however, the ad did not reflect that and he showed me a statistic on the products' sales and it decreased. This shows the importance of understanding what the audience wants.